Quantam Resonance Magnetic Analyzing

Quantum Resonance
Magnetic Analyzing

Quantum 660 Scanner
The body’s magnetic frequency and energy is collected by holding the sensor of the quantum resonance magnetic analyzer (Quantum 660 Scanner). Your body data will be collected within minutes from various systems or organs. After one minute, you are now able to compare your own readings, with that of the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases that are built into the system. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific methods including Fourier’s principles, strict health statistics, and compared with many clinical cases, leading to higher accuracy.


The human body has numerous cells, which continuously grow, develop, split, regenerate and die off. By splitting up, cells renew themselves. Adults have about 25 million cells, that are splitting up every second and blood cells are constantly renewing at a rate of about 100 million per minute. During the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the charged-up bodies of nucleus and nuclear electrons (which is the centre of our cells), are moving and changing, at a high speed, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of the human body. Therefore, different signals of electromagnetic waves will be emitted whether the body is in good health, sub-health, diseased stage. A scan should only be done every 2nd to 3rd month to analyse any changes of improvements. The method of quantum resonant magnetic analysis is an emerging rapid, accurate and non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly suitable for comparison of curative effects medicine and Health products, and check of sub-health conditions.

Prediction without symptoms

With only 10 or so cells of pathological change, the Quantum Resonance magnetic analyser can capture the pathological changes of cells, and predict the precursor of disease. By taking health-care actions such as supplementation, change of diet, etc, you will be able to effectively prevent the various chronic diseases.

Speed and accuracy

Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes. This analysing method is designed to save you time, money and energy. The database of this analysis system has been established with scientific methods including Rourier’s principles, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of many clinical cases, leading to high accuracy.

Non-invasive and painless

The Quantum Magnetic Resonance analyser will tell you the condition of your health without ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance, radiography or any invasive testing.


It is simple in its operation and in general, people will be able to analyse and interpret the result through short-term training. Health checks can be performed in any place and at any time, saving the time of patients. This analysing method is designed to save your time, money and energy. You only need to do a scan once every 2nd month, with this system you can now see the progress and state of the body ongoing. Health checks can be performed at Wellness on 5th. The cost for analysis is reasonable and affordable.

Ailments you can scan for

Heart/Brain/Lungs – Arteries condition, thickness of blood, oxygen supply to the body and brain, total lung capacity, etc.
Gastro intestinal/Stomach, Small intestine and Colon – Pepsin and acid levels, peristalsis movement and absorption levels of food, etc.
Liver/Kidneys/Gallbladder and Pancreas – Fatty liver, detoxification, bile secretion, uric acid levels, protein urea, blood sugar, insulin as well as blood sugar levels.
Reproductive organs – Males (prostate levels, hyperplasia, prostatitis, testosterone levels, etc), Females (progesterone levels, estrogen levels).
Minerals, Vitamins, Anti-oxidant, Fatty Acid levels – shortages and interactions
Toxins and Heavy metals – Variety of heavy metals and environmental pollution.
Endocrine and immune system – Thyroid, adrenal, lymph, spleen and thymus.
Blood lipids – Triglyceride, LDL and HDL levels
Various Acid levels in the body – Ph blood, uric acid and stomach acid.
Bone State – Bone growth, bone density, calcium problems and other nutrients related to bones, osteoporosis, rheumatism and degree of calcification of bones.
Eyes and skin analysis – visual fatigue, eye cell activity, lymphatic obstruction, collagen levels- eyes, endocrine, hair and skin, nervous system, skeletal, reproductive system, digestive system and fat metabolism.
BMI Levels and BMR rate -Degree of obesity, basal metabolism rate, and body mass index.